Computer Network

Sebelum memulai pada pokok pembahasan, pertanyaan paling mendasar adalah Apakah itu jaringan komputer? Jaringan adalah hubungan antara 2 komputer atau lebih (lebih dari 1).

Sejarah jaringan komputer bermula dari lahirnya konsep jaringan komputer pada tahun 1940-an di Amerika yang digagas oleh sebuah proyek pengembangan komputer MODEL I dilaboratorium Bell dan group riset Universitas Harvard yang dipimpin profesor Howard Aiken. Dan pada mulanya proyek tersebut hanyalah ingin memanfaatkan sebuah perangkat komputer yang harus dipakai bersama. Untuk mengerjakan

My Cat

this cat is my friend at home. This cat versatile and durable: D
just kidding bro ..
This my cat already have children and I named mickey
funny ... :)

you will think twice if you stare at everyday look your blog. and you will confused do what? and you are also confused what to do with your blog? but don't be confused, because it's just big lie hehe :D

Electronic Goods

Like it or not, every day I have to meet with tools like this, I usually do is fix or at least throw it away.
this is my life as an electronic tool that smell.
but that's what keeps me excited about seeking knowledge (and money) hehe :D

limestone mountain

The Mount Kapur - sub-district Puger

Bolang day with automatic motorcycle, the scenery is very beautiful place, especially in the morning.
The most exciting if a visit to this place with a boyfriend or friend. :D